Surface treatment of wind rotor blades
Skagen SSB handles surface treatment of new wind rotor blades. Additionally, we offer wind turbine power curve upgrades and installation of Leading Edge Protection.
We are highly specialized in surface treatment on new wind rotor blades in factory environments in both Aalborg. Le Havre, and Nakskov. We help improve the performance of the new rotor blades by testing and upgrading power curves. Moreover, we install Leading Edge Protection (LEP) to protect blades against rain and particle erosion. LEP will prevent and solve leading edge erosion on wind rotor blades caused by the ongoing wear and tear on wind turbine blades. It will show as a very good investment, because wind turbine operators will experience less expensive costs on surface treatment every other year or every third year to delay degradation. Repairing rotor blades once they have suffered leading-edge erosion damage can be costly and time-consuming, so prevention is better than cure. If the damage is done, we are ready to help with a leading-edge protection (LEP) upgrade solution.Who we have upgraded
- Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
- VESTAS Offshore Wind
- VESTAS Wind Systems