A global organisation
Skagen Blade Technology is located in Esbjerg, Denmark, and we have a sales office in Portland, Oregon.
Skagen Blade Technology
Upgrading the wind industry
Skagen Blade Technology provides onsite service and maintenance of blades to wind turbine manufacturers, owners, and operators.
Skagen Blade Technology specializes in blade inspections, retrofits, and repairs on the ground or on the wind turbines. We have a fully qualified rope access team with several years of experience with blade repairs and blade surface treatment. This gives us an expertise that provides the basis for serving our customers in the best possible way.
Furthermore, a competent back-office with vast experiences from the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturers, makes sure that all tasks are carried out cost-efficiently and effectively.
We offer:
- Structural blade repairs
- Retrofits
- Surface treatment of blades
- Optimization of blades on site
- Repair and mounting of Vortex generator, Power curve, Dinotails, Winglet etc.
- LEP (leading edge protection)
- Ad hoc repair of blades and moulds
- Rope access team
- Project management
Please consult us
In addition, we also offer consultancy services such as assessment of the blade's condition on site, hiring of experts in the manufacturing process on behalf of our customers, optimization of blade factories and testing of products, paint putty and more.